Gnet Ventures Apps

Discount Calculator 1.0.0
Gnet Ventures
Best Discount Calculator ! Are you out shopping and see an item onsale? You can quickly determinate how much you will save and whatthe final price will be after applying the store's discount withDiscount Calculator. Discount Calculator is a simple shoppingcalculator that will help you to determine your savings when youapply discounts or coupon codes to your shopping cart. It is asimple savings calculator. You can use this app for calculatediscounts and determine how much you will save and the amount topay on purchase. Discount Calculator is helpful for shopping and isthe perfect couple for shoppers who loves coupons. DiscountCalculator will help you to save money and to determine yoursavings with a given promotion code.
Percentage Calculator 1.0.0
Gnet Ventures
Percentage calculator This is a simple app which can help you tocalculate percentages. It can calculate percent increase, percentchange, percent difference. Percentage calculator app also has tipcalculator. Percentage Calculator App: This is a simple tool thatuses the percentage formula to solve for a desired value in thatformula. The percentage formula contains three variables. If anytwo of the variables are known, the third variable can becalculated. The percent sign is %. How to calculate percentage of anumber (P% * X = Y ): What is 10% of 250? in equation form is 10% *250 = Y We need to first convert the percentage to an equivalentdecimal to do our calculation. Converting a percentage to a decimalwe remove the percentage sign and divide by 100 Converting 10% to adecimal; 10% = (10/100) = 0.10 10% * 250 = Y becomes 0.10 * 250 = YY = 25 Or, 10% of 250 is 15 Combining the calculations you can getthe formula for P% * X = (P/100) * X = Y so 10% * 250 = (10/100)*250 = 25 How to calculate percentage of one number to another, aratio (Y/X = P%): This calculation is converting a ratio orfraction to a percentage. For example, how to solve for thepercentage of one number to another: 25 is what percent of 200? inequation form is 25/200 = P% 25/200 = 0.125 We now need to convertthe decimal to an percentage so we end up with a percentageConverting a decimal to a percentage we multiply by 100 and appenda percentage sign to the result Converting 0.10 to a percent; 0.10= (0.10 * 100) = 10% So,25/200 = 12.5% Or, 25 is 12.5% of 200Combining this calculations can give us the formula for Y/X =((Y/X) * 100)% = P% so 25/200 = (25/200) * 100)% = 12.5% Percent:Percent means per 100 or parts per 100. It can be used to describea portion of a whole or part of a whole. It comes from per centwhich is short for per centum which means per hundred. 1 percent(1%) = 1 part per 100 = 1/100 = 0.01 (a portion less than a whole)100 percent (100%) = 100 parts per 100 = 100/100 = 1 (a portionequal to a whole) 110 percent (110%) = 110 parts per 100 = 110/100= 1.1 (a portion greater than a whole) Percentage Formula: Formulaused to solve percentage problems that relates two ratios where oneof the ratios is a part or portion per 100 and the other ratio is apart or portion per a whole. Where: A% of B is C as in: 10% of 90is 9 where A=10, B=90, C=9 The percentage formula is: A/100 x B = Cas in: 10/100 x 90 = 9 Rearranging: A100 = CB as in: 10100 = 990The percentage formula is sometimes expressed as: percent100 =is(part)of(whole) as in: 10100 = 990 Solving for each of thevariables yields: A = (C / B) x 100 as in: A = (9 / 90) x 100 = 10B = C / (A / 100) as in: B = 9 / (10 / 100) = 90 C = (A / 100) x Bas in: C = (10 / 100) x 90 = 9 Note: A% = A/100 because % means per100 How are percentages used? store discounts: 20 percent off salesales tax is typically a percentage of purchase price: 10% salestax interest rates for savings accounts are typically shown as anannual percentage rate (apr): 2% apr interest rates charged bycredit card companies and mortgage companies are shown as an annualpercentage rate. interest rate changes: interest rates rose onepercentage point from 4.5% to 5.5% statistics: the margin of erroris plus or minus four percentage points credit card rewards: 2%cash back for certain purchases news: approval ratings, employmentrate, and surveys can be expressed using percentages laptops,tablets, and cell phones usually have a battery charge percentageindicator weather forecast: 30 percent chance of rain probability:the chance to win a prize is 1 in 10 or 10 percent humidity: thehumidity level is 77%
Loan Calculator 1.0.8
Gnet Ventures
Loan calculator is an app to calculate monthly loan payment,interest paid, the total cost of credit, annuity, differentiatedand fixed payments. This simple loan calculator will make your loancalculation easier. This application can be used as Car loanpayment calculator Interest rate calculator Mortgage loancalculator Monthly payment calculator Lease calculator Financialcalculator For issues and question, send me email from theapplication contact.